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When the temperatures soar Image

When the temperatures soar

We're here to keep our neighbors in need cool and hydrated.
Because water saves lives.

Give to Heat Relief

According to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, there have been nearly 1,000 heat-associated deaths since Maricopa County began its heat surveillance project in 2006.  


How can you help?

1. Donate water (preferably standard 16.9 ounce bottles) at any of our heat-relief stations, or to a water drive of one of our valued community partners. 2. Check in on neighbors that might be at risk of dehydration or heat-related health issues. 3. Give online to help support The Salvation Army's life-saving heat relief efforts. 4. Share #WaterForHOPE with your family and friends. Use social media for good and spread the word of how everyone can help save lives this summer!

The Dangers of Heat

Sun poisoning or Sun burn 

These can be a lot more serious that people realize. People may be dehydrated and not know how much fluid they need to replenish.  Second and third-degree burns can result from over exposure to sun, and to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours.

If you do burn, avoid products labeled 'aloe vera gel' because many do not contain aloe vera and are actually petroleum products that keep heat in.


Heat Cramps

Symptoms include painful, involuntary muscle spasms from heavy exercise or strenuous physical activity in the heat.  To remedy, drink juice or sports drink to replenish fluids and electrolytes.


Heat Exhaustion

This is the second most serious problem associated with over exposure to heat.  Symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid pulse, faintness, dizziness, and exhaustion is caused by exposure to high heat and strenuous physical activity.

To treat: rest in a cool place, rehydrate with cool water or sports drinks, cool down with a cool shower or cool, wet towels.



Heatstroke is the most serious problem of exposure to heat and can be life threatening.

Symptoms include high body temperature, altered mental state, nausea, vomiting, caused by exposure to a hot environment and strenuous activity.  In instances of heatstroke, seek immediate medical help. Medical personnel will try to lower a person's body temperature as quickly as possible through immersion in cold water, cooling blankets or ice packs.

People make poor choices because they don't feel too hot.

Drink eight to 12 glasses of water per day and to increase that by three glasses for every five degrees the temperature is above 100 degrees.

Sodas and alcohol do not keep the body hydrated, so they should be avoided.